The KAIROS Center
The property
The KAIROS Center serves as a conduit for establishing and building resources to assist individuals in fulfilling theiir purpose and destiny in life. The Kairos Center addresses despair and lack in many families, particularly in the African American communities. Generations of families have been destroyed, destinies unfulfilled, and many often lack the basic necessities to meet everyday needs. It is our Creator's will that all would experience abundance.
The Kairos Center's goal is to inject positive change into a poverty cycle with the intent of breaking the cycle for the individual and the families
Kairos provides the environment, tools, and resources for discovery. As minds are transformed, we will provide opportunities for moving forward and accomplishing destinies. Individuals have opportunities to:
-Attend community college and vocational training
-Own businesses and create jobs for others with decent wages,
-Access affordable housing.
-Establish wealth management accounts
Our business center helps aspiring entrepreneurs learn the skills to launch and sustain a small business
We provide tools and resources to help support clients in starting businesses, obtaining housing, and pursuing educational goals.
Current efforts underway involve building a school in Northern Ghana.
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