Cape Fear Community College SBC

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The Cape Fear Community College’s Small Business Center promotes and supports the establishment and prospering of small businesses in the Greater Wilmington Area. CFCC SBC provides confidential one-on-one counseling, seminars, workshops, and valuable information to small businesses.


Seminars & Workshops
Take advantage of free or low-cost seminars and workshops designed to have a positive impact on your bottom line. Workshops and seminars are held at a variety of times to fit your busy schedule. A sample of sessions regularly offered include Starting Your Own Business, Writing a Business Plan, Financing a Small Business, Advertising and Marketing Your Business, and Bookkeeping.
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Counseling Services
We provide free, confidential counseling on a range of diverse topics from licensing issues and business plans to marketing and advertising!
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Information & Referral Center
Who said you were in this alone? Full of resources such as periodicals, DVDs, and books, the SBC also provides computers with internet access for clients wishing to do business research or develop a business plan.

The information and referral center is located at 502 N Front Street, Suite 530 in downtown Wilmington. The SBC Information & Referral Center provides one-stop shopping for information such as website locations and telephone numbers for governmental agencies and any agency that can assist small business owners.
Visit the Information & Referral Center today.

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